InTower Application
An augmented reality (AR) application for distillation columns, specializing in mass transfer equipment.
An augmented reality (AR) application for distillation columns, specializing in mass transfer equipment.
Visualize and understand the complex internal workings of a distillation column, including trays, packing, and internals.
Explore the column virtually, identifying potential hazards and pinch points before entering the work area.
Expedite repair and maintenance tasks with step-by-step AR instructions specific to the equipment.
Optimize column design and performance by visualizing the AR model in scale 1.
Superimpose a detailed 3D model of the column onto the real equipment, allowing users to explore its internal structure and components.
Display key process parameters like temperature, pressure, flow rates, and concentration profiles directly on the column, providing insights into the ongoing mass transfer processes.
Utilize AR-based checklists and step-by-step procedures to guide operators through troubleshooting and resolution of common issues.
Offer interactive training modules for operators and students, explaining the principles of mass transfer within the column and best practices for operation and maintenance.
Enable experts to remotely assist with troubleshooting or training using shared AR experiences, regardless of location.
Visualizing the column's internals and processes enhances learning and comprehension for students and operators.
Real-time data and visualizations lead to faster problem identification and resolution, minimizing downtime.
AR-guided maintenance reduces reliance on physical manuals and improves first-time fix rates.
Train the crew before entering inside the equipment.
More than 35 years in mass transfer technology have equipped me with a wealth of expertise.
Having honed my skills at industry leaders like BSL Bignier Schmid Laurent, Glitsch, and Koch-Glitsch,
I've always held a passion for the power of CAD technology.
The ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies excites me,
constantly pushing me to explore what's possible within our industry.
Curiosity, enthusiasm, and a thirst for challenge drive me forward.
With our AR application, you can incorporate your own 3D model,
specific to your company or username, into the experience.
Here's how it works:
1. Send us a FBX file with texture file if any, specify the name and description of the model you want to see in the menu any feature you would like to have.
2. We will adapt the model to fit the application needs.
3. Then we will upload your 3D model in the application.
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